Here & there, vol. 1



A week full of knitting my improv, top-down raglan, which necessitated a full unraveling of sweater v.1. Even though I’m already thinking about fall and enjoying the streak of cool weather, I’m still trying to embrace the sunshine and the local colors it creates. (More on that soon).


Can you strive for minimalism and still enjoy styling?
(And, a resounding NO.)
(And yes: 3 fresh takes toward #30Wears)

Looking forward to Grace Bonney’s new book on creative women, which I just found out includes my current favorite comedian, Cameron Esposito, whose words are meant for me directly, I’m sure.

Weaving & natural dyeing in Laos? Sign me up.

“At one point color was as seasonal and regional as cuisine- cooking, making medicine,  and creating dyes were a simultaneous practice…The drive for beautiful fashion can create healthy and meaningful opportunities through natural color, providing designers with unique and vibrant color palettes to draw upon”

Not your average jeans-jacket

Even better blues: my friend Beth won WIP of the week (and secretly I think we all just want to wear that outfit).